Friday, August 29, 2008

The only football I EVER cared about...

Well, it started. That little season called Football. Or in my house, known as Football Widow Season. Now, I know most of you are thinking that I should just suck it up and let P. watch as much football as he wants, but it has nothing to do with that. It's his job, so it makes him miserable - watching football that is. Well, anything that's not Browns related...or this other university that shall remain anonymous for job security reasons...anyway, the one and only game of the year that I will watch debuts tomorrow.

Colorado State Rams kick the crap out of the Stupid Beefaloes.

Honestly, it hasn't happened in years, but here's to hoping. I'm asking for a victory for a birthday present, so hopefully they come through.

Here's to another fun filled season. Sigh.